
SOS Children recruits a Regional Youth Care and Empowerment Advisor

Ingénieur Systèmes de Sûreté/Chargé administration/Chargé des Affaires Juridiques/Collaborateur Senior Juriste Fiscaliste/Superviseurs Agents/Responsable Communication-save the children/Vendeur Comptoir Pièces Détachées/Chargé analyse de données/Chef de Service Développement/Comptable technique en Assurances/Chef de service non Fuel Business/Ingénieur en environnement/technicien en génie civil/Responsable du suivi et de la gestion /Coordonnateur de projet/UNESCO/Sage-femmes d’État/MSAS/Superviseur Construction/Ingénieur Hydrodynamique/Ingénieur hydrogéologue/Commercial/Industrie et Bâtiments/Protection des Consommateurs/Assistant(e)s Achats & Logistique/Travaux Génie Civil/Responsable Commercial Régional-Solutions/Page Executive/Responsable Logistique BTP/Chargé de Service Technique/Achats et Approvisionnement/Ingénieur Génie civil/ Bac + 3/Assistant Comptable Général/Animateur Eau & Assainissement/Technicien Radiocommunication H/F/Technicien Formateur en Mécanique automobile/coordonnateur au programme DEVCO/Conseil Secteur Public/Responsable du Réseau de Distribution/Associé (e) à la communication/Gestionnaire de Programme/Professeur de chinois/Superviseur Régional CFAO Way/Directeur Technique BTP/Business Development Manager BAC + 4/Eco Afrique recrute un Business Development Manager/Responsable de Plateforme Logistique régional/relations avec les commerciaux/Expert en Gestion des récoltes rizicoles/Ingénieur Exploitation Monétique/Assistante de Direction rattachée au chef projet/Responsable Juridique BAC + 4/5/Chef de Projet MELITEJI/Chef de projet Marketing/Coordinateur terrain agroécologie/Chef de Projet Cash/Techniques Santé/Nutrition/Chef de Produit hydraulique/Assistant Commercial et Marketing/Specialiste national en suivi et évaluation/Conseiller Commercial Auto/Administrateur Systèmes en CDI/Conseiller Technique en Santé/Recrutement d'un Assistant Marketing et Communication/Expert en appui institutionnel/Business Développeur/Senior et Junior/Assistance et Protection des Migrants/bénévoles Infographiste/Responsable des partenariats/OSHUN Sénégal/Responsable des opérations/Consultant en Production de Vidéo/Technico-Commercial en Assurances/Responsable exploitation/Responsable de Production Extrusion Gonflage/agent commercial pour le Canal Moderne/responsable opérations/Agents Service Client/Chargé de la Robotisation/transports urbains/Ingénieur Électricien Senior/E&I Techniciens/Fitters/Executive Assistant/Chef de chantier principal – Aide conducteur de travaux/Juriste Et Repression Criminelle/Consultant Réseaux Sociaux/Chargés d’Affaires Grandes Entreprises/Conservateur de Documents en CDI/Ingénieur Principal / Architecte/Chargé de développement RH/Stagiaire Assistant aux Finances/Assistant Directrice Projet/Ingénieur chargé d’Etudes/Consultant en Audit sur le Genre/Volontaire Homme/Femme/Chargé de Suivi et Evaluation/Électromécaniciens à Dakar/Commerciaux en Assurance Vie/Contrôleur de Gestion International Projet/Responsable du Programme Education/Gestionnaire de Programme MPME/ Agriculture/Chargé de projet/Responsable Bureau D’études/Spécialiste Automatisme Régulation/Développement RH/Responsable des fonds /Technicien de Maintenance/Stagiaire Design et Médias Sociaux/Responsable de production Homme/Femme/Spécialiste en passation de marchés/Suivi et Evaluation-Projet OPTIFARE/Chargé de Gestion Contractuelle/Superviseur de la Formation/Swiss Fresh Water/Responsable Maintenance Mécanique/Spécialiste Produits/Responsable des canaux/Responsable du service de l’Agronomie/jeune ingénieur /Responsable régional des Opérations/Recrutement d'un Responsable/Responsable Ressources Humaines/Consultant transformation RH/hôtesse d’accueil en stage/Comptable PRN Saraya/Responsable Développement des Ventes/Spécialistes en Planification/Spécialiste en renforcement/plusieurs Administrateurs Systèmes/Stagiaires Commerciaux terrain/Chargés de Clientèle h/f/Chef de Mission/Responsable Académique/Directeur des Ressources Humaines h/f/Gestion International Projet/Consultant chargé de l’organisation/Directeur Général Adjoint/Stagiaire Digital Marketing & Com/Business Developer/Assistant Service Technique Homme/Femme/Responsable Opérationnel Qualité/enfants handicapés/Ingénieur Développeur Java/JEE Confirmé/Responsable Wash CTE/Business Development Manager/Prestation des Services de Santé/Responsable de Production/Stagiaire Web Marketeur/Chargé de développement/Professeur de physique chimie/Médical Responsable Projet/Winrock International/Chef d’Equipe Billettique/Chef d’unité voie caténaires abords/Chef de Projet Monétique/Aide Magasinier/Gestionnaire de Données/Chargés d’études/Analyste Risques de Crédits/Commercial expert pickup double cabine/Responsable dépôt (H/F) /Responsable programmes immobiliers/Communication et Visibilité H/F/Stagiaire Assistant Administratif/Chef de projet DIABETE/chauffeurs poids léger/Business Development Manager/Assistant pilotage de performance/Chargé Qualité/bénévoles en finances et administration/communication-réceptionniste/Ce poste vous intéresse ? Merci envoyer votre CV et rcommis de salle/Contrôleur de Gestion  Homme/Femme/Atelier Automobile/Directeur Technique-Directeur Travaux H/F/Hydraulicien/PPDC/Chargés de Clientèle Homme/Femme/Analyste de Programme/Directeur d’Exploitation de Carrière /Téléconseillers Homme/Femme/Africa Transaction Processing and Services/chargé de l’entrepreneuriat rural/Maersk/Stagiaire en Développement de Projets/Ingénieur Génie Civil spécialiste en Travaux Côtiers/Agent d’entretien des espaces verts/Chef de Produit Outillage/recrute un Responsable/Stagiaire en Administration/Opérateur de Chaudières-Turbines/Marketeur Digital/Technicien Ingénieur de Bâtiment/Technicien Ingénieur de Bâtiment/Stagiaire en Administration et Logistique H/F/Expert en Entreprise au Sénégal/Formateurs Sûreté Sécurité/Assistant qualité pilotage performance/INTERFACE/Responsable des Ressources/Directeur de la Formation Continue/établissement scolaire moyen et secondaire/Superviseurs de Conduite du TER/Réseau/Responsable QHSE/Stagiaires Administratifs/Regional Sales & Marketing Director/Directeur Technique Homme/Femme/Architecte digital Homme/Femme/Responsable Régional Ressources Humaines/Responsable Communication et  Développement/Contrôleur Qualité-Technicien Laboratoire/Développeur Full Stack/CREPMF/Chargé de qualité à Diamniadio/gérant Boutique H/F/Chef de projet organisation Homme/Femme/Coordonnateur et chargé de la mise/Responsable académique des études/Chef de ferme adjoint/Assistante Administrative Bilingue/Activateurs Phase Test/Référent Technique/Designer graphique/Contrôleur de gestion Homme/Femme /Responsable Logistique Programme/Chefs de projets/Chemonics/Directeur des Ventes/Chargé de communication Homme/Femme/C2K Staffing/Consultant Analyste Homme/Femme/Suivi essai clinique des plantes/ONG ONE/Coordonnateur Acquisition et Gestion des ressources/projet PROFUTURO/Assistant Gestion Programme/Importante Société/Maximerit/maintenance de systèmes de refroidissement/Spécialiste en Maintenance Datacenter/Swissaid/programme des énergies durables/Facilitateur en Nutrition/Gérant de la maintenance/Digital Business Developer/Chargé de développement marketing/Développeur PHP/projet REDISSE/Merci dEnseignante spécialisée/Responsable Matériel/Responsable Showroom/Chargé National des Affaires Humanitaires/Coordonnateur du service client/Chauffeur/Mécanicien/Développeur Java/NCBA Clusa/Assistant Pilotage Production Fibre

SOS Children recruits a Regional Youth Care and Empowerment Advisor  (f/m)


SOS Children’s Villages International is the umbrella organisation for the global federation of SOS Children’s Villages. As a non-governmental social development organisation we support children without parental care and families in difficult living conditions through services in care, education, health and emergency relief, and we advocate for the rights of children and young people, in alliance with a great diversity of partners. We work in 135 countries and territories, reaching over one million children, young people, families and caregivers each year. To support us with this important responsibility we are now looking for a committed.

Regional Youth Care and Empowerment Advisor International Office Region West & Central Africa (f/m)

Location: Dakar – Senegal

Mission of the position

As a member of the Programme Development department, the Youth Care and Empowerment Advisor Provides technical leadership and advice for the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of youth care and empowerment strategies, processes, projects and activities in WCAF region and Member Associations (Mas). He/She also provides support to MAs teams so that high-quality activities are implemented in a timely manner. He/She leads on developing proposals for youth care, empowerment and employability programming and projects. He/She ensures the coordination of all youth care and empowerment activities in WCAF region through proactive communication with MAs and organizing regular information exchange between MAs. And He/She actively contributes to federation-wide programme policy and standards development regarding youth care, empowerment and employability topics, ensuring regional contextual elements are integrated.

Tasks and responsibilities

  • Ensure development of clear regional strategies on youth care, empowerment and employability
  • Coordinate, support and ensure the consistency of MA strategic and annual planning on youth care, empowerment and employability
  • Provides information, advice and expertise in the field of work, in line with the priorities identified
  • Finds information on important activities and events of the civil society, international organizations, NGOs and suggest to the Regional PD Director and the appropriate participation.
  • Liaises with partners, recommend, organize and prepare meetings with key potential partner organizations as agreed with the Regional PD Director
  • Leads the development of tools, systems and structures to support on youth care, empowerment and employability work
  • Interprets the organisation’s policy frameworks and actively participate in the development of the work on youth care, empowerment and employability
  • Tracks and records the work within the MAs in this field of work, through reviewing progress reports & statistics, other monitoring & evaluation reports, and regular contact with relevant staff and country/programme visits
  • Advises national focal persons on the development of required resources (tools, systems & structures), through relevant regional forums and processes
  • Drives regional planning processes in this area of work, facilitates relevant sessions of regional forums. Ensure that appropriate targets, objectives and actions are set
  • Gather relevant information, from inside and outside the organisation, to support the development of these areas of work. This includes information regarding OVCs, child rights-based approaches, youth participation and alternative care settings.


  • Master or Bachelor degree in Social Work, Human Rights, Child Protection or relevant field
    Extensive experience, progressively responsible, working in youth programming in development and humanitarian contexts, preferably in the Central and West Africa Region
  • Extensive experience in relevant topics such as youth development, youth care, youth participation, youth employability, gender and, sexual & reproductive health and rights.
  • Familiarity with key international standards for humanitarian work (e.g. Child Protection Minimum Standards, SPHERE, HAP Principles, etc.) and international documents related to children rights (e.g. UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, UN Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children).
  • Competencies in monitoring and evaluation, results-based management, and gender.
  • Excellent written and oral communications skills in English and French; language skills in Portuguese, or Spanish an advantage.
  • Good interpersonal skills with the ability to communicate and negotiate clearly and effectively at all levels, taking into account cultural and language difficulties.
  • Highly developed interpersonal and communication skills including influencing, negotiation and coaching.
  • Experience of solving complex issues through analysis, definition of a clear way forward and ensuring buy in.
  • Ability to present complex information in a succinct and compelling manner.
  • Commitment to SOS Children’s Villages values, including willingness to abide by and enforce the Child Protection policy.

We offer

  • Diverse, creative and challenging opportunities in an international working environment
  • Possibility to make significant contribution towards the development of Member Associations in the Region
  • Competitive compensation package and excellent development opportunities In accordance with the organisation’s child protection policy, all employment is subject to applicable background checks, including criminal record checks

How to apply

If you are interested in this position, please send your detailed e-mail application CV including 3 references + Cover letter by 18 January 2019 at the latest to

The position title (Youth Care and Empowerment Advisor) must be mentioned in the subject line.

Only the shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

In accordance with the organisation’s child protection policy, all employment is subject to applicable background checks, including criminal record checks

Closing date: 18 Jan 2019

SOS Children recruits a Regional Youth Care and Empowerment Advisor  (f/m)

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Written by Arame

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