
Recrutement d’un Spécialiste en gestion de projet

Technicien Réseaux Informatiques Débutant/renforcement des capacités/Expert Réglementation Électricité/Ingénieur d’études BTP/Business Developer réseau Propriétaire/Responsable développement franchise/Référent Ressources Humaines/Analyste de données/BAC+5/Chargé de Relations Clientèle PME / PMI/Référent en agroécologie/Technicien supérieur électromécanique /Infographiste/Community Manager/Inspecteur contrôle qualité/Spécialiste en Réglementation de la Concurrence/Responsable des Opérations Commerciales/Ingénieur de conception en Génie civil/Responsable Opérationnel d’activité Anglophone/Coordonnateur de bureau de Zone Centre/Coordinateur/ Trice de Projet/Stagiaire en Informatique/Bioinformatique/Responsable du Renforcement/TGCC/Chargé du Post Training/Gestionnaire de Bureau/Responsable développement/Spécialiste en communication événementielle/Bénévole Monteur audiovisuel/Freelance SAP technico-fonctionnel/Technicien en Énergie Solaire/Responsable formation professionnelle et migration/Total Sénégal/Chargé de projet DEFI – ARCHIPELAGO/Stagiaire Adjoint(e) Méthode et Process/Chargés d’Affaires Institutionnels/Chef de publicité/Responsables Service après Vente/coordinateur Playlab H/F/Chef de centre comptable/Spécialistes techniques et en gestion /enseignant chercheur en automatique/Chargé de Plaidoyer et de Communication/Chef d’Atelier Aluminium/Coordonnateur Marketing et Commercial/Groupe FSC/Auxiliaires de vie scolaire/Responsable Innovation et Digitalisation/Ingénieur implémentation junior/IntraHealth International/Stagiaire Chargé d’accueil/Chargé de Support aux Opérations/Animateur SSE/Chef comptable BAC/pompistes /réseau Internet et informatique/cancer du poumon/Spécialiste en Planification/Assistant Gestion Relations Fournisseurs/Chef de projet Senior/recrute un Contrôleur financier/Community Managers H/F/Topographe Homme/Femme/Stagiaire en Comptabilité et Gestion/Responsable Commercial Régional PAYG/Spécialiste en gestion de projet/Analyste Conformité Flux transactionnels/Scomath/Responsable Projet OPTIFARE/Chargé de clientèle Homme/Femme/Monotoring & Evaluation Officer/Spécialiste des Chaines de Valeur/partenaire de recrutement/Standardiste H/F/Radisson Blu Hotel/formateur en entreprise/Développeurs C# Homme/Femme/Recrutement d'un chargé de mission enseignement supérieur

AfricSearch is recruiting a Project Management Specialist.

  • Secteur d’activité : Banque/Finance/Assurance
  • Date limite : 23/05/2019
  • Région : Afrique de l’Ouest (Sénégal)

Description / Fonctions / Attributions :

Job Purpose

Conduct bank’s technical-assistance operations due-diligence and design, conduct day-to-day technical-assistance operations management activities, and conduct day-to-day development-project operations management activities under the guidance of Operations Team Leader (OTL), Education within approved costs, timeliness and quality, to ensure efficient execution of the bank’s mandate to support economic development in the associated member and non-member countries. Responsible for day-to-day communication, monitoring, and implementation support to the project management units and executing agencies; supervision of project contract management and financial management; preparation of implementation reports to the bank management, and proactive mitigation of project implementation issues. In addition, provide support in: project preparation and appraisal, portfolio quality review, procurement review, and disbursement processes. Contribute to knowledge management agenda by identifying lessons learned from the projects.

Project Appraisal

  • Provide support to the Operations Team Leader, Education in the execution of project preparation and appraisal to ensure comprehensive due diligence of the technical, financial, procurement, institutional, economic, social, and environmental aspects of project proposals in line with the operations manual and applicable policies/procedures of the Bank.
  • Lead technical-assistance operations design and preparation exercise, to ensure comprehensive due diligence of the technical, financial, procurement, institutional, economic, social, and environmental aspects in line with the operations manual and applicable policies/procedures of the Bank.

Project Implementation and Monitoring

  • Coordinate with respective OTL, Education in all aspects across the project implementation.
  • Lead periodical preparation of project implementation assessment and support report of each project under his/her portfolio, to ensure implementation issues and proposed action are documented as reference for smooth execution.
  • Maintain adequate, up-to-date, and accurate project information and key records in the bank’s operations management system.
  • Assess implementation arrangement of Bank’s approved operations, and provide recommendation on bank’s position to relevant authorities.
  • Contribute to maintenance of project implementation plans to ensure ongoing monitoring of project progress, pro-active identification of issues, recommendation and implementation of action plans to resolve issues promptly.
  • Review implementation quality and progress of Bank’s approved operations, and provide recommendations on actions to improve to relevant authorities.
  • Provide input to the relevant Procurement and Financial Management staff in their respective duty ensuring procurement and financial management of projects are in line with the policies of the Bank.
  • Assess contract management and financial management activities of projects, and provide recommendation on Bank’s position to relevant authorities.
  • Support the OTL, Education in closely monitoring the regular submission of the project’s implementation progress report, and the update of the action plan, procurement plan, and disbursement plan by the Project Management Unit.

Project Closure and Review

  • Provide input to Task Team Leader from the Global Practice in the development of project completion reports at the completion of each project, to ensure key issues and lessons learned are documented for reference in future projects.
  • Compile input to Sectoral Teams in Global Practices, Knowledge Management and the Institutional Learning Unit to ensure lessons learned are recorded for reference in future projects.

General Project Management

  • Provide input to OTL, Education regarding the operational cycle of projects to ensure necessary operational policy and procedural improvements are implemented.
  • Support OTL, Education in engaging external expertise according to the Bank’s procurement policy, to complement internal resources ensuring quality project due diligence, implementation, and lessons mining.

Job Requirements

Academic qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Engineering, Economics, Management, Social Sciences, or related field, preferably with Master’s degree or equivalent


  • English (mandatory)
  • French (mandatory)

Minimum number of years and nature of experience:  6-8 years of experience in development project management.

Job specific competencies

  • Building Relationships
  • Communication Effectiveness
  • Stakeholder Management / Client Orientation
  • Project Management
  • Quality Management
  • Contract Management
  • Financial Management
  • Procurement principles for †Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) will be considered as an asset

Informations supplémentaires : To apply, please forward your cv to

Written by Abdourahmane

Je suis Diplômé en Aménagement et Gestion Urbaine en Afrique, Spécialiste en économie urbaine en même tant Reporter et Éditeur au Journal Universitaire. Je suis également un passionné des TIC.

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