
Recrutement d’un responsable des communications et des médias

Chargé des Opérations/Assistant Administratif et Financier/Chauffeur Livreur Poids Lourd/Responsable Administratif et Comptable/Responsable Audit Interne/Superviseur Ressources Humaines/Chargé de Clientèle Institutionnelle/responsable-du-pilotage-FONSIS/Concepteur de produits touristiques/Chef de Mission Conduite Audit/Chargé de Capitalisation/Responsable Adjoint Département Production/Expert en Finance Islamique/Technicien de Laboratoire/Assistants aux Ressources Humaines/Expert en Analyse de Marché/Attaché aux Affaires Éducatives et Culturelles/Contrôleur de Gestion/Chef de Projet Usine/Comptabilité et Assistant de Direction/Recrutement d'un Responsable Ressources Humaines/GBG/Responsable chargé du Développement/Chargé de Compte Institutions Financières/Chargé de la Paie et de l’administration/Chargé de communication/UNESCO /Chef de Département Qualité/Agents en Efficacité Énergétique/Développeur Sénior Mobile & Web/Responsable Système d’informations/Gestionnaire de contrat/projet –gestionnaire des opérations/Ingénieur Statisticien/Cooordinateur de communication et plaidoyer/Directeur Administratif et Financier/Bac+5/Ingénieurs en électromécanique/Commis démarcheur/Expert en balisage/spécialiste en Coopération Multilatérale/Chargé Marketing & Communication/Stagiaire en Agronomie/Évaluation Environnementale/Expert en for­mation professionnelle/Responsable du Système Electrique/Coordonnateurs Site PEPFAR/Consultant Formateur Risk Advisory/Médecin Investigateur d’Etudes/Chargé du Parc Logistique/Coordinateur Financier Support COVID-19/Responsable National Adjoint de projet/Assistant de Direction/ Gestion Technique BTP/Formateur en planification et suivi-évaluation de projets/Administrateur de contrat et contrôle de projets/location de véhicule et transfert/recherche un Électromécanicien/Technico-commerciaux Transfert d’argent/Expert en Système d’Informations/Chargé de contrôles/Ingénieur en hydraulique/Chargé Relations/Adjoint des Opérations Financières/Responsable Marketing Intelligence/R-Port-H/Responsable Ressources Humaines/Protection et Support Psychosocial /Responsable Qualité-Organisation/Gestionnaire programme/Gestionnaire de Projet Bilingue/Chargé de mission Plateformes/Gestion de l’information/Achats et de la Logistique/Profil recherché De formation Bac+3 minimum, vous disposez d’une expérience probante d’au moins 3 ans dans un poste similaire/Spécialiste Chargé du projet PNS/Assistant(e) Administratif(ve) aux Services Généraux/Directeur Général BTP (H/F)/Conseiller Technique en Protection/Chef de projet technique/Responsable Logistique – Service Urgences/Techniciens de maintenance/Assistant Technique Bilingue Français – Anglais/Développeur expérimenté /hôtesses de ventes/Responsable Incubation/Gestionnaire back-office/Correspondant technique Caterpillar H/F/Ingénieur Géomètre/Agents de terrain et Enquêteurs/Délégué Médical Stagiaire/Administration du Personnel/Responsable Sécurité et Environnement/Adjoint Chef de zone/Directeur de Travaux Industriels/bénévole Gestionnaire administratif/Animateur/Animatrice du réseau/Responsable du pôle/Chargés de missions confirmés/Expert incubation/accélération/Directeur des relations d’affaires/Responsable en Informatique bac+4/Directeur des finances et des opérations/Responsable Marketing et Communauté/Répétiteur/ Professeur à domicile/Assistant de parrainage de zone/Responsable Audit interne et MOA Finance/stagiaires pour ses différents projets/Commis à la Saisie des Données/ISC/Responsable-Administratif et Financier/chef de chantier principal/Ingénieur/Chef de Mission/Communication visuelle/Journaliste fact-checkeur/Spécialiste Crédit terrain/Stagiaire Rédacteur qualité/Fed Africa/Chargé de reporting commercial/Responsable Service Contrôle/Technicien bureau/gestion financière/administratif-Service Urgences/Chargé d’études/Secrétaire / Contrôle Documentaire/Opérations sur le Terrain/Production Extrusion Gonflage/Responsable de Production/Technicien(ne) Support & Intégration/chargé de la logistique/Spécialiste Chaudière/Responsable Technique/Ingénieur Génie/Technicien en gestion d’entreprise/Formateurs-Consultants/Chargé de communication Bande/Swiss Fresh Water/Responsable de Production thermoformage/Directeur des Opérations Homme/communications et des médias/Responsable Soufflage & Maintenance/Responsable B2B/Assistant(e) QHSE/Directeur Parc Matériel/Ingénieur Technico/Ingénieur-Support technique/Chef de produit intégration /Responsable Achat Local/Responsable de la Formation/cabinet GPF/Superviseur Comptable et Financier/CFA Commerce International/UNDP/Stagiaire en Communication et Gestion/Chauffeur-Coursier de direction/Ressources Humaines Homme/Femme/Technicien Agronome/Directeur de la stratégie/Prestation des Services de Santé/ONG Canadienne CECI/Assistant à Maitre d’Ouvrage/Responsable hygiène sécurité /Transit et Formation/Assistant Médias et Communication/Responsable MEAL et qualité programmatique/Assistante chargée de la clientèle/Conseiller en Leaderships et Mentorats/Save The Children International/Responsable département conformité/MAER/Administratif et Financier H/F/Chargé des Ressources Humaines/Ingénieur matériel roulant/Ingénieur transmission capillaire/Assistant Genie civil/Bus Rapid Transit/Responsable adjoint des Ressources Humaines/Coordinateur du projet Mangrove/Technicien Développeur Web/Assistant Technique grand public/gestion de données/AfricSearch/Technicien instrumentation/Coordonnateur Recherche & Production/Conseillers Commerciaux en Immobilier/Directeur Commercial pour /Expert Environnementaliste/Traducteur de langue française/Assistants Commerciaux Corporate/Stagiaire Energie / Environnement/chargé de l’entrepreneuriat rural/Infographiste/Webdesigner/Expert en Génie Côtier/Global Business Group recrute/agent des ventes et du service clientèle/Chargé de Ressources Humaines à Dakar/Engins Lourds/Développeur Front-end/Chauffeur Poids Léger/Structure B SA/Contrôleur Financier Régional H/F/Technicien Ingénieur de Bâtiment/Développeur Python confirmé/Expert en Entreprise au Sénégal/Stagiaire en Cybersécurité IT/Flow Consulting/Assistant Administratif et Logistique/Techno Commercial Informatique/Stagiaire Agent de Contrôle Qualité/CMU/Regional change and deployment/Save The Children/Stagiaire Contrôleur de gestion Administrative/recrute un Chef Comptable/Chargé(e) de Recherche/Recrutement/commerciaux et des jeunes porteurs de projet/formateurs dans plusieurs domaines/Contrôleur de Gestion H/F/gérant pour une société des mines/Assistante de direction/Livrable SAS /Exigences de l'emploiÉducation: Diplôme d'études secondaires. Un certificat post-secondaire/Agent méthode/Recrutement de plusieurs profils par l'ONG Lux Dev

Plan International is recruiting a Communications & Medias Officer.

The Communications and Medias Officer position will be supporting the development and coordination of strategies and activities of Plan International Senegal in the area of communication and media. This role includes engaging with Government, local, international, regional institutions and multilateral organizations to support empower and protect girls, boys, women, men, families and communities. The position will also work jointly with the program team on advocacy in relation with Plan International Senegal area of intervention (Health, Livelihood, Education, Protection and Gender).

This position develops and implements Plan International’s strategies for advocacy, communications and public relations.

Dimensions of the Role

Under the supervision of the Communications & Public relations Specialist, the communications & media officer will coordinate and implement Communication and Public Relations strategies projects and activities and to contribute to Plan International Senegal becoming a recognized voice for girls leadership & child protection in Senegal.  This is done through:

  • Delivering of Plan International’s communication strategy
  • Providing support in reinforcing Plan International’s brand, reputation and medias relations
  • Ensuring that all communication elements of projects are Implementing
  • Supporting technically and building capacity of the country team to establish a strong external and internal communication function

Your accountabilities at Plan International 

  • Plan International Senegal’s institutional image is raised to the required global standards and quality
  • Regular and positive mention of Plan International Senegal in national media to positively portray its impact on the lives of girls and children and their communities
  • Support of the Production of regular stories for news and views to tell the Plan International Senegal story to both internal and external audiences
  • To compile media monitoring reports from across the country and analyzes results.
  • To identify and prepare Plan interviewees for media.
  • Maintain up-to-date lists of media in the country and build relationships with them
  • To support advocacy campaigns at a regional level with efficient media work
  • To support in disaster communications
  • Provision of media-related customer service to Plan’s internal and external audiences
  • To provide strategic advice to country offices using media as a development program strategy
  • Showing proactive initiative on ideas to highlight Plan’s work in the media and the development sector.
  • Uphold Plan’s media and other policies with a remit on communication activities
  • Support the organisation’s campaigns, ensure media contribution, support and take initiatives towards campaign objectives in the country.

Gender, Child Protection are mainstreamed

  • Ensure that Communication and PR activities meet Plan International child protection standards and standards for ethical journalism
  • Ensure gender mainstreaming into communications and public relations activities and maintain gender sensitivity towards staff to avoid discrimination
  • Comply with Plan’s Child Protection Policy at all times to safeguard and protect children from all forms of abuse.
  • Produces campaign reports and media type productions and promote girls through case studies and assist NOs in productions about girls.
  • Ensure all media partners and visitors we are working with are briefed and abide by the child protection policy of Plan International Senegal

Programme Development and Integration

  • Provide support for the production of high standards organizational communications outputs, including Plan International Senegal’s materials for internal communications platform; publications (newsletters, annual report, etc.) and marketing materials; website and social media management.
  • Support the production of Plan International Senegal’s corporate program, projects and sponsorship reports/documents to meet the required standards
  • Provide support for organizing special events for donor engagement, government relationship building and media relations.
  • Support program and advocacy initiatives of Plan International Senegal with technical coordination and advice to their communication plans to meet the required standards


  • When relevant, represent Plan International Senegal at conferences, seminars and other events.
  • Contribute to the development of Plan International Senegal’s partnerships in relevant fields of expertise and influence including strong and innovative relations with media.
  • Good relationship and networking with media partners for effective collaborations to meet the organisation’s objectives
  • Develop and coordinate relationships with national media, journalist networks as well as NGOs and government authorities in the area of communication to ensure Plan International Senegal’s communications reach the right audience
  • Facilitate media including international visits at country level to ensure the objectives of such visits are well met

Organizational and People Management

  • Manage external consultants and interns as appropriate
  • Set up and ensure that data bank and resource centre have updated information for storytelling and provide information for internal and external audiences.
  • Proper documentation of Plan International Senegal information is available at all times
  • Build unity in-house through information sharing and participation

Child and youth safeguarding policy

Follow the implementation of standard 8 on child and youth safeguarding related to Publicity, media and communications toward children

Ensures that Plan International’s global policies for Safeguarding Children and Young People and Gender Equality and Inclusion are fully embedded in accordance with the principles and requirements of the policy including relevant Implementation Standards and Guidelines as applicable to their area of responsibility. This includes, but is not limited to, ensuring staff and associates are aware of and understand their responsibilities under these policies and Plan International’s Code of Conduct (CoC), their relevance to their area of work, and that concerns are reported and managed in accordance with the appropriate procedures.

Key relationships

High level of contact with:

  • High contact with technical staff including grant, sponsorship and project managers to support effective timely and quality communications and PR activities
  • High contact with other staff from the program unit and country offices to offer support for understanding, informing, influencing or reasoning on administrative related activities
  • High contact with media partners to ensure Plan International Senegal communications and PR activities meet the required standards of the organization

Low level of contact

Low contact with all country and regional office communications staff

Government, local, international, regional institutions, and multilateral organizations to support and promote Plan International’s advocacy, gender and communications work

Technical expertise, skills and knowledge of the Communications & Medias Officer


  • University degree in journalism, Mass Communications and Public Relations, in development studies, political science or a related field
  • At least, three (3) years of relevant professional experience including implementation of communication strategies, and communications and marketing products
  • Strong experience in writing in French and good experience in writing in English
  • Experience of developing and implementing communication strategies that bring about significant policy and/or practice change
  • Proven experience of working in partnership with other NGOs and NGO networks
  • Good knowledge of the communication and medias relations profession
  • An understanding of child protection, gender, human rights and development programs (livelihood, health, education etc.) youth and child participation, and community development issues and processes is desirable
  • Knowledge of modern communication platforms, understanding of news values and demonstrable success in generating media interest and coverage
  • Good level communication skills, including experience of communicating effectively across cultures and with diverse audiences, both verbally and in writing
  • Excellent writing, editing and reviewing skills both in English and in French
  • Promotes innovation and learning
  • Communicates clearly, effectively and enthusiastically
  • Creativity and innovation
  • Ability to understand different cultural contexts and marketing / PR realities related development issues would be an advantage.
  • Strong team building and motivational skills


  • Proven ability to undertake planning, programme development and evaluation
  • An excellent understanding of the dynamics of national civil society organisation (CSO), Government, international, regional and multilateral institutions
  • Able “to put in practice” concepts and strategic thinking
  • Proven capacity of undertake graphic design, Able to Edit video, photo and audiovisual material
  • Experience of using graphics and crea software

Plan International’s Values in Practice

We are open and accountable

  1. Promotes a culture of openness and transparency, including with sponsors and donors.
  2. Holds self and others accountable to achieve the highest standards of integrity.
  3. Consistent and fair in the treatment of people.
  4. Open about mistakes and keen to learn from them.
  5. Accountable for ensuring we are a safe organisation for all children, girls & young people

We strive for lasting impact

  1. Articulates a clear purpose for staff and sets high expectations.
  2. Creates a climate of continuous improvement, open to challenge and new ideas.
  3. Focuses resources to drive change and maximise long-term impact, responsive to changed priorities or crises.
  4. Evidence-based and evaluates effectiveness.

We work well together

  1. Seeks constructive outcomes, listens to others, willing to compromise when appropriate.
  2. Builds constructive relationships across Plan International to support our shared goals.
  3. Develops trusting and ‘win-win’ relationships with funders, partners and communities.
  4. Engages and works well with others outside the organization to build a better world for girls and all children.

We are inclusive and empowering

  1. We empower our staff to give their best and develop their potential
  2. We respect all people, appreciate differences and challenge equality in our programs and our workplace
  3. We support children, girls and young people to increase their confidence and to change their own lives.

Physical Environment

This position entails 30% travelling to the field to support communities, staff and partners in the Program Units.

Level of contact with children

High level: Frequent interaction with children

How to apply

To apply, click on the link and send by 27th August 2019 your application with:

  • A comprehensive cover letter
  • A comprehensive and clear CV that includes the contact of two of your referees, one of whom should be your current employer.

Internal candidates must inform their line manager with regards to their interest in this vacancy before applying.

Females’ candidates are highly encouraged to apply

Plan International Senegal is an equal opportunity employer and is engaged in child

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Written by Fama

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